12 Best Marketable Degree Courses in Kenya 2024

There is a need to properly advise students seeking to join universities on the most marketable courses in Kenya. Due to the current Kenyan economy, one would not wish to graduate from campus and waste their precious time and resources tarmacking for years before fina a stable job. Over 700,000 graduates are produced from Kenyan Universities into the job market annually. However, these graduates take significant time before they finally land a stable job at the student campuses. It means that job opportunities are less than the potential labor force in most courses taught in universities. However, some degree courses are highly marketable in Kenya and can therefore be considered by students seeking to join university. The following are some of the best marketable degree courses in Kenya.

1. Medicine and Surgery

Medicine and Surgery

This course requires a long process of learning that takes a minimum of six years. However, it is highly marketable and pays well once an individual lands a stable job. Though opportunities can be limited, especially in the government sector, this situation is quite rare. However, you can open a clinic or hospital as long as you have the skills and are certified. You can also seek employment opportunities in the private sector. Some students are even absorbed in the job market before they graduate from medical school.

2. Pharmacy

Pharmacy is one of the best courses to study in Kenya since you can get a job without struggling once you graduate. According to statistics, about 20% of pharmacists will be jobless in Kenya in 2022. It is estimated that the starting salary of a pharmacist in Kenya is about Seventy Thousand Kenya Shillings (70.000.00 Kshs.). Companies such as KEMRI, NASCOP, NACADA, and other government and non-governmental organizations are the best to work for. They even absorb some sharp students who are yet to graduate from pharmacy school. There are many career paths to follow, including community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, and hospital pharmacy.

3. Law

It takes years of study and smartly acquired skills to render quality services in law. There is a continuous quest for lawyers currently in the country due to the growing number of cases Kenyans take to Court. The career paths that make the law a commercial law include corporate law, criminal law, ICT law, and tax law. According to statistics, lawyers earn an annual wage of Sh 82,000 in Kenya. Apart from being marketable, this course also allows you to develop various skills and explore many aspects of human life.

4. Accounting

Accounting equips graduates with the right knowledge and skills that make them competent and work under minimal supervision in accounting work. It includes majorly in banks, schools, and companies. Upon graduation, you will get numerous opportunities in public accounting, government agencies, corporations, and entrepreneurship. Companies need people with skills to validate all company transactions in financial statements, making the course marketable.

5. Computer Science

Computer Science

This course is suitable for students with good mathematical skills and innovative skills. Due to the advancement in technology in the current error, computer science graduates are becoming useful in coming up with new ideas. Therefore, this makes the course highly on demand. Studying the course lets you get absorbed by companies such as Google, KRA, Facebook, EACC, and other tech firms.

6. Software Engineering/Web Design

There is a developing need for skilled software developers in the country due to the advancement in technology; this is the reason behind the course being highly marketable.

Similar Read: Best Degree Courses in Kenya 2024

7. Education Science

It is one of the most marketable teaching courses. It prepares graduates to teach at the post-primary level of education. Even though the entry grades for teaching courses are as high as almost those of medicine, many Kenyans prefer it since it is rare for an education science teacher to be unemployed

8. Mathematics and Statistics

There is increasing demand for data scientists and mathematicians in the country. Statisticians mostly work in research institutions such as colleges and universities. Mathematics is a good choice in addition to statistics, and you can work as a project manager, economist, and risk analyst.

9. Computer Engineering

Computer engineers have an exciting career opportunity to create hardware and software solutions for firms. Both the public and private sectors offer job opportunities for graduates. There is rapid growth of the ICT industry in the country; therefore, more computer engineers are needed to develop new technologies to improve the quality of living. It is important to note that there is a distinguishing difference between computer engineering and computer science. Computer science focuses on solving software-level issues while computer engineering solves problems at the hardware level.

10. Civil Engineering

Kenya’s economic growth is dependent on the construction of roads, bridges, buildings, and other related infrastructure. Therefore, civil engineering graduates have the advantage of working both in the public and private sectors as they contribute to the rise of Kenya’s economy through construction works.

11. Special Needs Education

Day-care teachers, special education teachers, and school administrators result from graduates with degrees in special needs education. There is a shortage of educators who teach children with learning disabilities and other challenges. Such children have conditions like autism, speech problems, and hearing impairment. This field is thus marketable due to the various teaching opportunities.

12. Computer Security and Forensics

Many digital and technological courses are becoming popular in the current digital world. Computer security and forensics is one such course. It is evident that almost everything has become digitized, from banking, buying groceries, ordering clothes and food; all these things are done online. The rise in digitization has also increased cybercrimes. There is, therefore, a need for more security and forensic professionals to curb computer hackers.

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