SEO mistakes

10 SEO mistakes that you should avoid in 2025

Correcting the following SEO mistakes  can make your website rank on the first page.

Using BlackHat Techniques

Search engines algorithms detect Black-hat SEO making a website to be blacklisted. If this happens , your blog will not be indexed at all. So it is good to use white SEO techniques when optimizing your blog.

Slow Hosting Provider

This is one of the most common SEO mistakes that people make. When indexing sites the search engines will always rank the fastest site higher. In addition, most users do not like a slow website. For example, one that takes more than a minute to load content s. I recommend you to use Bluehost which uses fast servers and cloud services. For those in Kenya, Truehost is the best in terms of price and fast servers compared to other local hosting providers.

Not updating regularly

A website that is not frequently updated is bypassed on the ranks by those that are updated regularly. Search engines consider regularly updated sites more useful to visitors. Updating a blog once or twice in a week is enough.

Using heavy Media

Large files like videos pictures make websites to load slowly which is bad for SEO. This mistake cone is corrected by compressing high-quality media.

Not Checking on competitors

It is always good to know what your competitors are up to so that you can come up with strategies to beat them. For example, if their blog posts range around  500 words then you can write 1000 words to beat them.

Short posts

Writing short posts which are less than 500 words is not good for SEO. In addition, short posts will have low keyword density. Writing long posts increases keyword density and the possibility of including other keywords.

Poor quality

Poor quality articles will turn readers away and slowly your site will lose its rank. Before writing about a certain topic always do thorough research.

Social media SEO mistakes

Sharing your content on social media will increase traffic to your blog. In addition traffic from social media is high quality thus increases on page time. Finally if you don’t share you posts on social media ,for example Pinterest or Facebook then your making the biggest SEO mistake ever.

Linking to low authority

Linking to low authority websites is very dangerous because your authority is affected negatively. In addition, search engines consider these websites to be of no value to readers. If you have made this mistake before you can correct it by linking to high authority websites such as Wikipedia or generally websites that receive a high amount of traffic.

Not doing keyword research

Always do keyword research to come up with ideas. Remember a successful blogger writes what the readers are searching for and not what he likes writing about alone.

Not using SEO tools

SEO tools are very important when it comes to optimizing websites. Most common SEO tools for bloggers include Ubersuggest, Yoast Seo plugin for WordPress, Ahrefs and Analytics tools.

Going for competitive keyword

Going for competitive keywords will only heartbreak you.  High authority websites always rank on the first page so chances of a thriving blog to get indexed closer to the first page are very low. Contrary, one can research on less competitive keywords and make long tail keywords out of the competitive ones.

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